The Medicine Ball
The medicine ball is one of my favorite workout toys. Yes, I said toys. Exercise should be fun and I love to incorporate different ways to workout. Switching up your exercise routine is key to getting good results. How often have you seen the same people at a gym doing the same thing year after year and never really making any progress? They body gets used to the same repetitive movements. Adding in the medicine ball is a great way to switch things up. Let’s challenge muscles you may not have used in a long time.
This workout includes five of my favorite Medicine Ball Exercises. These exercises are great not only for your abs, but will work your back and that pesky muffin top. Another thing I love about the medicine ball is that it will challenge your hand and eye coordination, so you are getting in a little brain training too!
5 Exercises each done for 30 Seconds
- Wood Choppers – Lift ball over head and then back down, bend your knees for a full range of motion.
- Medicine Ball Slams – Lift ball over head and slam to ground while bending knees to a squat position. Repeat.
- Over the Rainbow Abs – Start with ball over head, slam down to the left side, catch ball, bring it up over your head and slam down to the right side. Repeat.
- Side to Side Twists – Hold medicine ball out in front of you, twist to the left, pivot on foot, then bring ball across your body to the right side. Great for the abs.
- Side Knee Lifts – Start with ball over head raise your left knee and bring ball to side of left knee, then switch to right knee, alternating back and forth between both left and right sides keeping that knee as high as you can.
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