10 Steps For A LifeLong Transformation
Today I had the pleasure of being interviewed by two amazing transformation stories, each has an incredible story to share. Jeremy and Eli have a talk show on Blab called Transforming with Jeremy and Eli. I so admire these two guys and what they have accomplished. They have each lost over 100 lbs. and are inspiring so many to become healthy and fit.
In this interview, we are going over my 10 Steps To Prepare For Success For A Life Long Transformation from my book the Hot and Healthy Body.
10 Steps To Prepare For A Life Long Transformation
1. Change your mindset
- Believe that what you are doing is going to work
- Don’t look at past attempts
- Ditch negative self-talk (inner speak)
- Replace with “slammers” a.k.a. positive self-talk
- Mind/muscle workout – Mindset Mastery
2. Be true to your word
- Decide, commit and keep a promise to yourself just like you would a best friend or family member
- You are worth it
- Finish what you start
- Fall off the wagon, get right back on
3. PMA – Positive Mental Attitude
- Start the day with gratitude
- Look at what you are gaining not “giving up” by being healthy
- A smile can change the course of someone’s day
- Don’t postpone joy until you reach your “goal weight”
4. Set Goals
- Creating Your “WHY” & burning desire
- Create & Write your goals – People who write down goals are successful
- Attaching feelings to your goals
- Read them often
- Start with small attainable goals – Like a ladder move up one step at a time
5. Journal
- Accountability
- Your Why/Burning Desire
- Goals
- Meals/Water
- Exercise
- Thoughts/feelings
- Successes and struggles
6. Make health a priority in your life
- There is no quick fix
- Commit to taking the time, effort and dedication you deserve
- Make yourself a priority
- The year of “YOU”
- Women tend to put themselves last – A happy woman/mom/man/Dad is one of the most beautiful/amazing things in the world
7. Surround yourself with positive people – Build a support network
- Family, friends, people at the gym
- join an exercise class, online coaching, be with people who are moving in the same direction as you
- Make your car a mobile learning university
8. Don’t give in to excuses
- There are always going to be excuses
- It’s how you choose to deal with them
9. Stop starting and stopping
- Ditch the all or nothing thinking
- Consistency is the KEY to success
- You don’t have to be “perfect” or follow a plan perfectly to be successful
- Just take action steps every day to move closer to your goal
10. Enjoy the journey
- This is where we truly learn about ourselves
- The journey is where you will learn much more than losing weight, you will learn about yourself, your desires, beliefs and re-discover who you are along the way.
- Slow and steady wins the race
- Celebrate – Non-Scale Victories
- Value and honor your body today and every day – You are always going to be you, just a healthier version
- I believe we all have a special unique gift to share with the world. I hope this journey will help you find it and cultivate it to its fullest potential.
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