Top 5 Addictive Foods That Cause Cravings
Emotional hunger VS. physical hunger
Knowing the difference between emotional hunger and true physical hunger is really important for lasting weight loss. Let me know if this sounds familiar, You are doing all the right things, eating well, exercising and feeling on top of our game and then those crazy cravings hit you? Messing up all your hard work.
Articles, people and blog posts will tell you it is all about your will-power. WRONG.. The body is smart and you can only deprive it for so long before it will rebound against all your efforts. When you feel hungry or have a craving the normal response is to eat something to make it go away fast. But determining if we are eating for true hunger or emotional hunger is something I want you to learn and understand.
Next time you feel a craving come on, just stop for a moment and check in with yourself, ask yourself:
Where does this hunger originate, my head or my stomach?
What am I really feeling? See what comes up for you. This is a great time to learn about yourself and if you are emotionally eating to replace a feeling. Are you feeling sad, anxious, mad, depressed, bored?
If you realize you are emotionally eating and not eating for true hunger guess what? Don’t eat. Find something else you can do, take a walk, drink a glass of water, call a friend, read a book, go into another room, listen to music. This is such an important strategy to have in your weight loss toolbox.
Emotional Hunger
Emotional hunger comes on suddenly
Emotional hunger feels like it needs to be satisfied instantly
Emotional hunger craves specific comfort foods
Emotional hunger isn’t satisfied even on a full stomach
Emotional hunger triggers feelings of guilt, shame and powerlessness
Physical Hunger
Physical hunger comes on gradually
Physical hunger can wait
Physical hunger is open to many food options
Physical hunger stops when you’re full
Eating to satisfy physical hunger doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself
5 Addictive Foods That Cause Cravings
These foods are called trigger foods. They are like drugs they are the “Feel Good Foods”. These foods are like drugs to our brains, we cant just have a little of them, they send out a signal to the brain and our body starts to crave more of them.
Craving Addiction Food #1 – Sugar
Sugar is not your BFF it is actually your worst enemy. If you are like me I love sugar but I had to break up with it. Sugar is actually more addictive than cocaine, it stimulates the body to release endorphins, “the feel good,” hormone. Sugar also stimulates another hormone called ghrelin, the “hunger hormone”, which stimulates your appetite.
Sugar can also create a “memory hormone storage” in you body, your body remembers the good feeling when you fed it sugar and it keeps asking for more. Crazy, right? When you stop eating sugar cold turkey in all forms for 4 to 5 days you will stop craving it. Best kept secret! Now you know the reason.
Craving Addiction Food #2 – Cheese & Dairy
Dairy and cheese are delicious but they are very hard for the body to break down and are very addictive. I love Brie and can’t stop at eating just one piece. The reason is milk has a protein it called casein. Your body will digest this slow absorbed protein, but it also breaks it down into particles containing morphine. Morphine is the drug given to hospital patients in severe pain. It is an addictive drug. Cheese is an addictive and high calorie food; use it in small portions to flavor your food.
Craving Addiction Food #3 – Corn
Corn is just about in everything we eat unless you know how to look for it. Corn is in just about everything we eat. It will increase your insulin levels and cause you to store unwanted body fat. You need to be a food detective and read your labels. Corn and corn syrup are added into so many products you would not even think of. Check your ketchup labels first.
Beef and chicken are naturally supposed to be raised on grass but they are fed a diet high in corn that is non-GMO. Animals develop health problems when not fed the proper diet. If you eat meat always purchase grass fed beef.
Craving Addiction #4 – Fried Foods & Processed Foods
Fried and fatty foods play tricks on our appetites. Because they are loaded with fats (unhealthy types) they satisfy our cravings for a little while. You generally will eat these foods until you are satisfied or have overeaten them. It can take your body up to 3 days to process all the fats out of your system. Until then you will keep craving these fatty foods.
Craving Addiction Food #5 – Chocolate & Candy
I love chocolate don’t get me wrong, but there is a healthy way to love chocolate. Real chocolate is full of fat and sugar, which release the feel good hormone serotonin into the body. Chocolate also contain caffeine another addictive quality. So I hope you are realizing that it is just not you, but the addictive effects of chocolate that can override you best intentions.
Laura London
Your Hot and Healthy Body Coach
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