Bosu – Both Sides Up
I love the Bosu. The name is an acronym which stands for “Both Sides Up” — a reference to the two ways a BOSU ball can be positioned. The device is often used for balance training. When the dome side faces up, the BOSU ball provides an unstable surface while the device remains stable.
This piece of exercise equipment is a great addition to your home gym. It is also great for ankle stability exercises. Oh, I feel a new video on that coming soon.
You can use it in so many different ways. Here are 5 of some of my favorites. Try a whole workout with it.
The Bosu Exercises
You don’t always need to work out with weights and machines. Changing up your routine is key to building a Hot and Healthy Body, because we want to work the body as a whole unit. The way the body moves in real life.
- Bosu Plank Toe Touch Tap
- Bosu Half Burpees
- Ab Bosu In & Outs
- Squat Hops
- Bosu Toe Taps
Goal Setting – Set small goals that are attainable. You will reach them and then move on to the next one. Think of them as a ladder taking you rung by rung to get to the top. Keep climbing to the top carefully, and you will reach your goals.
The most important step you must take in order to succeed in every area of your life is to identify your goals and put them in writing. Goals left to memory are goals that easily slip out of mind in the busyness of everyday life and responsibilities.
Statistics show that people who write down their goals are 80% more successful in achieving them.
Writing them down makes them real, and a constant reminder of the life-changing journey you have decided to travel on. Reading your goals daily will keep you focused on the steps you must take to make them become a reality. Be as specific as you can on your goal setting.
Make sure those goals are realistic and put pressure on yourself by writing deadlines for each one. As you reach your daily and weekly goals you will be building the foundation that will enable you to reach long-term goals. Remember to read your goals everyday for continued inspiration and focus.
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