The Laura London Store On Amazon
I am very excited to announce the Laura London Store on Amazon.
Welcome to the health and holistic wellness portion of my web site. Wellness means taking care of all areas of your life so you can be a whole and happy person. Nourish your mind, body, and soul each and every day.
I am very excited to announce the Laura London Store on Amazon.
Creating a Vision For Your Life.
Health Benefits Of The Bellicon Rebounder WooHoo! I just gifted myself Bellicon rebounder (in the pink of course) it has been on my fitness “wish list” for a long time now. I could not be any happier. Knowing all the health benefits of rebounding, I have always had one but the Bellicon is the creme …
Why I love my Berkey Water Filter System I get a lot of questions about the Berkey water filter. People often ask what kind of water do I drink and what kind of water filter do I use. For years I have used an alkalizing water filter which was great. But the more I researched …
Seasonal Detox and Ayurveda You’ve been working hard on your detox and you want to be sure that the effects of all that effort last. You can also set yourself up for your next seasonal detox, primed, and ready to release toxins on a deeper level. If you have never heard of Ayurveda, here’s the skinny: Ayurveda …
The Health Benefits of Juicing Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you would have no doubt heard about the amazingness of juicing. But did you also know that a juice elixir can also be a healthy and safe way to lose weight? When drunk in complement to an …
You hear about this wonderful diet that will guarantee weight-loss, so you try it, only to gain even more weight back once you’ve lost it? Diets don't work.
Are You A Picky Eater? Do you think it is impossible for you to lose weight because you’re a picky eater? Do you only eat a limited amount of “healthy foods”? Don’t worry it is not impossible to lose weight and if you are a picky eater. In fact, it is do-able for anyone. Food …
Tips to avoid office snacking. You are doing great, eating and healthy and feeling great. Then the dreaded “Office Birthday Party” happens. What should you do?
Did you know the food you eat affects your mood? Good food is good for a good mood! Did you also know that food has vibrations that allow it to create change in our bodies on a cellular level? Food that is alive and from the earth will energize and invigorate you, while processed, pre-packaged, …
If you have not noticed Gluten-free is everywhere, in fact gluten-free is the new "Black". Wheat used to be wheat and you did not hear much about it. Now there are 5 types of wheat that are mainly used today. Wheat has been genetically altered; a new “improved” species of semi-dwarf wheat was created in an attempt to end world hunger. Created with little or no regard to the effect on human nutrition.